History of Our Martial Arts
Below, we will discuss some general history of the three arts in which we have been certified to teach.

​Chi Ling Pai®
Gung Fu (Kung Fu)​​
(Effort & Time)​
One Popular Legend has it that Kung Fu was first taught by the Indian monk, Ta Mo (also known as Bohdidharma,) at the Northernmost temple of Shaolin in China during the early 500's A.D.. He found that many of the monks were in such a weakened condition that they were falling asleep during their ritualistic meditations. Thus, he devised a system of movements, based on animal movements, which improved their health. Seeing that they were often prey to bandits, they devised fighting methods based on that same concept of natural movements by animals defending themselves.

The result is what came to be known as Shaolin Kung Fu, and has countless variety of styles, although they are rooted in those basic animal styles. The most famous of them all was the Five Animal styles of Shaolin: Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake and Dragon.
Throughout Asia, Shaolin Kung Fu was widely revered, although styles varied between the Northern and Southern styles. Also, there were many styles that were passed along and adapted to fit the circumstances of warring Dynasties. From these came "Family Styles", and many others variations. Among these was Eagle Claw, and Tai Chi Ch'uan.

Chinese martial arts, however, reached far beyond China in its influence. It was the basis for Japanese, Okinawan, Indonesian and Korean martial arts such as Karate and Hwarang Do, as well as many current day Eastern and Western Martial Arts such as Kenpo, Jeet Kune Do, Chi Lin, Kajukenbo, and Kung Ju.
Historically, there were fighting styles which predated Shao Lin, but none came to be as well-known across the world.

(Unicorn Gung Fu) is the creation of Great Grandmaster Denis R. Decker (1942-1997), and is gaining world renown, as a formidable American Martial Art in the Tradition of Chinese Martial Arts. His influences were many, but the lives of those he influenced by his diligence of study and innovativeness continues to grow and extend his legacy into the future of martial arts.

Chief Instructor Eggerson is a senior student of Master Scott Felsen, the Inheritor of GGM Decker's Chi Ling Pai® Gung Fu style.

(Gentle Way)
In 1882, after having studied various styles of Jiu Jutsu during post-Fuedal Japan, Dr. Jigoro Kano founded the Kodokan Institute where he introduced Judo to the world.
While a derivative of Jiu Jutsu ("Gentle Art"), Judo ("Gentle Way") did away with the brutal nature while holding fast to its throwing and grappling techniques. It became more about harmony and physics than deadly combat, which was typical until that time. Moreover, it brought the martial arts to a wider audience of participants because of its safe, yet effective techniques. Don't be fooled: When Dr. Kano's Judo fighters were tested in a duel against Jujitsu fighters opposed to his opening of the Kodokan Institute, Judo won most of the decisive matches, drawing in the remaining 2 out of 15 matches.
Dr. Kano was also responsible for the current ranking systems ("kyus" and "dans") used by most martial arts to this day. Judo is now not only the most widely practiced martial art, at this time, but also formally honored as an Olympic sport.
Sensei Bill J. Dunning (Owner and Judo Instructor of Chicago's M.A.S., formerly located on Chicago's Southside) was responsible for inspiring the core founding members to form the Alliance of Martial Arts to preserve the legacy of the Asian Martial Arts, while positively affecting the community and exploring the essence that permeates all martial arts.

Sensei Terrion Johnson was one of Sensei Dunning's top pupils, who went on to train at the Olympic Training Center for the Olympic Team. All members of the AOM Core were proficient Judo students directly under Sensei Dunning or via Sensei Johnson.

Kung Ju Ch'uan Fa
(Effort of Gentleness Fist Method)
The story of AOM Kung Ju and its many evolutions toward becoming Kung Ju Ch'uan Fa is detailed on the genealogy chart, below. Only students who wish to be recognized on the list will be included, and then, only those who have trained for more than 2 years. Private students may remain anonymous, if so wished.