Welcome to our 2626 Marketplace Offer
"​Lakeview Cranes":
An exploration of martial arts concepts for fitness, self-defense and general self-expression.
Special 6-week training program, one person eligible per household, limited access (accepting no more than 4 per session slot.) More sessions may be added if the appropriate demand is there.
$100 one-time with free registration (normally $150mo. + $25 registration fee), non-refundable. One class per week, 45 mins per session, one time slot available for each age group. Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to start times. All sessions start promptly as scheduled, and usually end, accordingly. No walk-ins, ever.
What you will learn:
Track A (December - January)
A high-level stationary form from southern Chinese martial arts, basic techniques, basic concepts.
Track B (January - February)
A short form rich with concepts of movement (via footwork), basic striking and kicking techniques & ideas.
** In the event there is interest in more immediate training, feel free to try our standard sessions, or inquire about special group sessions for you and your group.
Taught by Sensei Carl Eggerson
KUNG JU CH’UAN FA Instructor
Be sure to mention “2626” when you register at: